Tips & Tricks

This is the place where we help you out of trouble in the games market. Send in all your tips to the address on the first page the best ones will win a fiver !!

This month we have a selection of tips from the games:

For The MAC,
Out of this World
Dark forces
Flash Back
Spectre Supreme
Theme Park
and Prince of Persia

For The PC,
Sim Tower
And Theme Park

For the SNES,
Street fighter II Turbo

Out of this world

Here are the level codes in full...

10) HRTB
11) BRTD
12) TFBB
13) TXHF
14) CKJL
15) LFCK


For a little help type in these codes.

"burger" - Automatically adds all weapons and fills them with ammunition!
"wowzers" - Beefs up ammunition capacity to 999 for bullets and 99 for other weapons
"ledoux" & "iddqd" - Enable and disable invincibility.
"appleiigs" - Reveals all secret doors in a level.
"mccall" - Allows you to jump straight into the beginning of any level.
"xuscnielppa" - Recharges health and weapons


If you seem to be getting nowhere at the start of this game, here's an idea which might help. As soon as you have bronze-working under your belt build the colossus. This will boost trade, bringing more cash and scientific resources. It works for quite a long time, and keeps it steady while you're waiting for electricity to be discovered.

Flash Back

Use these passwords if you are desperate only as it ruin the difficulty curb of this brilliant platform game.

End sequence OPAQUE





Dark Forces

Here are few codes for the hit StarWars type game Dark Forces.
Enjoy !

LASKIP - Moves you up a level.
LAPOSTAL - Weapons and ammo added.
LAMAXOUT - All weapons, ammo, keys, health and armour.
LADATA - Displays your co-ordinates.
LABUG - Insect mode toggle (lets you get though little gaps).
LAUNLOCK - Adds all the inventory items.
LANFTH - Transports you to where the map is centered.


This is an old one but some of you may not have heard it before. Type "GOD" when you're in the game to switch to an overhead view of the whole arena. It makes it easy to spot where the flags are, but it's damned tricky lining up the shots. Press the tab key again to return to the regular set of view points.
Also in spectre, you can select your starting level just by holding down the option key when you click on play.

Spectre Supreme

We've found that if you are on a level with a Transport Gateway in it you can use it to warp forward five levels with the greatest of ease. Just zoom over in front of it and select the spinner weapon, then fire the spinner at the gateway and you will set it spinning round like the enemy (surprise, surprise). After doing that, simply run in to the gateway and you will here a "StarTreck" type sound, and you will be transported through a "sub-matrix vortex". You can repeat this tip as often as you like.


Type in this for a surprise on the shareware asteroids clone. You might care to type in "SEX" on the title screen to see a short poem of a sensual nature. Or if you prefer type in"L" in the title screen. This produces a dialog box, that lets you select a level from 1 to 40. There's also a check box for a Turbofunk option that speeds up the game to suicidal velocities!

Theme Park

Here are a few some tips for Theme Park players.
1) Select "Horza" as your nickname then after you have chosen your country etc on the main game playing screen press these keys, first the apple key and Z then control and Z and finally shift and Z. This will give you all the rides and shops.
2) Reduce all the prices in your shops too zero this should (it did on my friends computer anyway) raise your profits by around $700K a month. Be warned after a short period of time the people in your park will start to get angry.
3) After using the Horza nickname you can press "C" To receive a message telling you that you are a dirty cheat and also $50000.


In this gory game change the team name to:
1) "Cooper Team" this will give you infinite people infinite weapons and a fully equipped "Cycro Chamber".
2) "Watch the clock" Will speed up the time enabling you to research faster. There are a few more but these two will let you complete your mission easily with time to spare to make things a little more bloody than is needed.

Prince of Persia

Try this for a bit of fun. Hold down the keys1,2 and 3 (not the ones on the numeric keypad) when you start the game. You will here some laughter and a voice that tells you "You are worthy of the powers of Jafar". Once you are in the game, use the following keys to activate these cheats:

Command - L Raises you one level
Command - K Kills all the opponents that are on the screen
Command - T Increases the number of potions you have
Command - G Allows you to select the level between 1 and 14
Pressing + increases the time you have remaining.

PC stuff

Sim Tower for Windows

Start a new tower select the lobby icon and scroll as far down and left as you can, place a piece of lobby in the bottom left corner this will double your money but can only be done at the start of a new tower.

Theme Park

Here are a few some tips for Theme Park players.
1) Select "Horza" as your nickname then after you have chosen your country etc on the main game playing screen press these keys, first the alt key and Z then control Z and finaly shift and Z. This will give you all the rides and shops.
2) Reduce all the prices in your shops to zero this should do it (it did on my friends computer anyway) raise your profits by around $700K a month. Be warned after a short period of time the people in your park will start to get angry.
3) After using the Horza nickname you can press "C" To receive a message telling you that you are a dirty cheat and also $50000.


In this gory game change the team name to:
1) "Cooper Team" this will give you infinite people infinite weapons and a fully equipped "Cycro Chamber".
2) "Watch the clock" Will speed up the time enabling you to research faster. There are a few more but these two will let you complete your mission easily with time to spare to make things a little more bloody than is needed.

Nintendo Stuff

Street Fighter II Turbo

M Bison
M Bisons good moves.
1) Hold the back key for 2 seconds then press the forward key and any punch button at the same time this will let you do the move named Pile driver Punch
2) On M Bison again hold the down key for 2 seconds and press up and any kick button fast this move is called a The Flying Kick (original name isn't it).
3) Yet more stuff for M Bison, press down and the R button this enables you to slide across the floor and deck your opponent this move is very effective.

Here is a couple of this characters decent moves.
1) To make a fire ball that flies across the screen follow these simple instructions, Press backwards for 2 seconds and press forwards and any punch button. (does this look familiar ?)
2) Get your opponent into a corner and press the hard kick button rapidly you can also use the punch button for a bit of variety.
3) The Hyper Upper Cut is also an OK kind of move if you like that sort of thing for people who do, here it is: Press down for 2 seconds then up and any punch button very fast.

(Strange name isn't it) Guille is one of the more nippy (faster) characters in this game here's how to handle him.
1) To do a Flash Kick you must press down for 2 seconds then up and the hard kick button simultaneously (Do I spot a pattern emerging?)
2) For a Sonic Boom which looks like a spinning baton, follow this. Press backwards for 2 seconds then the forward button with the (believe it or not punch button)

You have now probably sust that if you press back for 2 seconds and forward and a punch or kick button then you will most likely perform a special move. Try it out!

A really Happy Puppy

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